Your purchase will be shipped by EMS, YAMATO Japan,DHL within 3-14 business days depending size and value of the item(s). In order to protect against fraud, we suggest all items be shipped to the billing address of the payment method. We do recognize that several exceptions to this may be requested (shipping to a neighbor, place of business, second home, gift, etc). While we can typically honor these requests, you must enter the contact information for the buyer and recipient, as we may need to phone-verify the order. This may result in a delay in processing time.
Customs and taxes: Your country of residence may apply extra customs duties and import taxes! Please check the laws of your country to determine if import duties or taxes are applicable. Some countries prohibit the importation of items made with exotic skins.
Important Notice:
You, as the customer, are solely responsible for import taxes, customs duties and any other applicable fees imposed by the destination country, as well as compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. Please note that all items will be declared at full purchase price and indicated as "used" when shipped outside of the Japan. We cannot declare any item as a “gift”. As the customer, must also be aware of any regulations that may prohibit the importation of your order. Some countries prohibit the importation of items made with exotic skins.